Teen Theater is guided by inclusion and creative risk-taking.

Performers in are programs are accepted for who they are and nurtured as they continue to grow. Teens are challenged to take risks, to fail, and to learn. We believe all teens have something unique and important to share with our community, and we know theater is the perfect space to do so.

“I love the Verge with my whole heart”

- Teen Participant

Summer Camp 2024

Devised Theater is a method of theater making where the performance is created collaboratively by its participants. We will use a variety of methods including movement exercises, improvisational techniques, and individual writings to create this piece of theater together, ending in a performance. This program provides a full production experience for teens. They not only develop their acting skills, they practice collaborating as a team, setting and working toward goals, and implementing their ideas. Teens in our program tell us that they love the friends they make as much as the fun they have!

6th-12th grade 


July 8th- August 2nd, 1-3pm



Spring 2024

Spring registration is closed

The Play That Goes Wrong

Play by Henry Lewis, Henry Shields, and Jonathan Sayer

Directed by jaelyn silvey & kate britton

This program provides a full production experience for middle and high school teens. They not only develop their acting skills, they practice collaborating as a team, setting and working toward goals, and implementing their ideas. Teens in our program tell us that they love the friends they make as much as the fun they have! This class will stage a full musical, giving students the opportunity to gain confidence by learning lines, blocking, music, choreography, etc. Culminating in a full production, Verge’s emphasis is always on process over product. We believe the lessons the students learn along the way are invaluable. Because we value community and collaboration, every teen who registered is guaranteed a role in the show. We work hard to find ensemble shows that offer a learning opportunity for every performer. We believe all teens have something important to share with their community, and we believe theater just so happens to be a great space to do so.

Teens Acting Out: Improv!


Improv teaches teens to trust their ideas, to accept and support one another, and to turn mistakes into treasures. In our improv classes, teens meet once a week to practice improv skills and laugh... a lot! The eight week format gives us time to develop a supportive community, which is essential. Join us to discover the endless supply of ideas in each of us!

What our community has to say about Teen Theater

“Thank you so much for the AMAZING welcoming space you have created for Bozeman teens. My teen had an incredible time in teen theater this fall. He made such beautiful, genuine, kind friendships. It is such a gift to see him find so much joy and confidence in theater. We are grateful for you and The Verge in his life, such a positive impact, you are truly changing lives!”

- Parent of a Teen

“As a parent of a teen involved in the Verge Teen Theater Program, I can say with certainty that the Verge has been an absolute lifeline for my teen this past year.  In a time of overwhelm and uncertainty, nightly Verge rehearsals provide my daughter a place to let go of the armor of daily living, a place to connect, a place to shine as her social, quirky, creative self…The Verge subtlety guides teens toward lifelong values and skills in a supportive and inclusive environment. Some of these values include teamwork, responsibility, truly listening, speaking out, camaraderie, improvisation, kindness, thoughtfulness, and problem solving.  Verge continues to provide an open and encouraging space, where my child can let her light shine, connect with other quirky actors and learn lifelong values and skills. The icing on the cake is the brilliant shows produced by the Verge Teen Theater for the community, family, and friends (and beyond). I highly support the Verge Theater’s mission and programming”

- Parent of Teen

“The directors are incredible, supportive, knowledgeable, empathetic people who pour their hearts into making the Verge an accepting and supportive place that literally saves lives.”

- Participant, 2023

“To express what teen theater has done for me would take hours to explain, so I’m going to try to keep it short. Since I was a toddler, I was always bullied for being different. Looking different, acting different, feeling things differently than my peers. I was always told I was weird and wouldn’t ever belong. Until I walked through the doors of Verge, I believed them. I never thought I would feel this sense of belonging and safety with people my age. Verge taught me that my differences are what make me special, what make me unique. They taught me that there are people out there who feel the same way I do. I thought I was just the only weird queer kid with blue hair in this small town, but Verge made me realize that there are 5 other weird queer kids with blue hair who come here every day. Verge is a place where everyone gets to be who they are and not worry about what people will think or say. Verge is a place where you could walk in with no friends and completely alone to the best friends you will ever have and can’t be alone even if you tried. I’ve had a really tough year, and when things happened, the first place I wanted to go was Verge because no matter how alone I felt, when I was there, I knew I wasn’t. Verge is a safe place for the outcasts, the queer kids who feel they can’t be themselves, and people like me who thought that I was too much and not enough at the same time. So if you have ever felt alone, forgotten, or afraid, join Verge Theater.”

- Teen Theater participant