Kathryn Diaz

My passion is writing and making people laugh. I am a singer-songwriter, and I also have written two pilots, which I would like to produce soon. I am very passionate about equity and inclusion. My involvement in the PTA stemmed from seeing systematic racism and having a desire to make positive changes. I was a para at a public elementary school. I loved working with disabled children. I also stand for embracing everyone within a community, and that is why Verge's values are a good fit for my persona.

I am an MSU theater major with a knack for fundraising. I was the fundraising chair and the after-school chair at my daughter’s public school in Brooklyn, NY. I started an after-school enrichment program that is a source of revenue for the PTA. The program is still going strong and has raised over $1,000,000 in the past five years. I also organized many community-building events throughout the years. Silent auctions, Parents Night Out events, and outdoor movie nights to name a few. I brought people together in many ways. Another one of my greatest strengths is that I am a team player. I love to build upon other people’s great ideas. “Yes and” is my improv motto throughout life.