
by Aristophanes

In the midst of an ongoing war between Athens and Sparta, the Athenian Lysistrata calls together an assembly of women from throughout Greece to present her plan for peace: the women will dress provocatively and act seductively towards their husbands and boyfriends, but withhold sex until the men swear to end the war. After initial resistance, all agree on the terms and swear the oath of chastity.

The Choruses of Old Men and Old Women spar about the merits and flaws of their respective genders. Lysistrata explains to the Magistrate the motives behind the women’s’ strike, and she elaborates on why women are perfectly qualified to engage with politics and war.

The women's adherence to the Oath of Chastity is threatened by the women’s growing lust and the arrival of Myrrhine’s husband, Kinesias. Myrrhine does her best seduction, but he holds out. Eventually, she asks if he’ll settle for peace, and he refuses, so she leaves, holding the oath and setting in motion the final movement of the play.

The Spartans arrive at the Acropolis in pursuit of peace. The Choruses of Old Men and Women resolve their issues, and eventually the Greeks do as well. They’re motivated by the naked, female embodiment of Peace and a good deal of wine.

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Meet the Creatives

Naomi Schafer | Dramaturg

Naomi is a fool, storyteller, and producer. She's also a dramaturg. A drama-what? She's a story doctor. She helps find what to add (or axe) from a performance. Naomi helps bring stories to life. She's worked internationally writing and performing in refugee camps and sites of natural disaster in Myanmar, Iraq, Haiti, Russia, Ecuador, and Lebanon. Here in Bozeman, she's part of 406 Cirque. She has a buffet of degrees including an MBA from Marlboro College, a B.A. in Playwriting from Middlebury College, and a Rubber Chicken from the San Francisco Circus School. 

Jess Lee | Director

I have been around performing arts my entire life, as a dancer, musician, and theater-lover. I have been working as a Stage Manager in the valley and over the hill for the last 6 years, and as a techie for 3 years before that. I am a Plant Biology student at MSU researching Plant Genetics in various pulse crops. I have a cat, Pumpkin, who is both my best friend and nemesis and lives with my partner, Maks, and me in our plant-filled apartment.

Cast List

Abby Huetter | Lysistrata

Zuzana Gedeon | Calonice

Lorelai Micheal | Lampito, Reconciliation, Woman A

Jaelyn Silvey | Myrrhine

Isaac Mills | Cinesias

Dan Erickson | Magistrate

Sharon Beehler | Leader of Women's Chorus

Micheal Beehler | Leader of Men's Chorus

Anya Bentz | Women's Chorus

Sarah Rider | Men's Chorus

Sara Stanek | Women's Chorus, Woman C

Erin Atwood | Woman B/D, Athenian B, Ismenia