Eddie’s First Christmas on Patrol Auditions


When: Saturday, September 8th at 12:30­-1:30 and 2:00­-3:00pm

Where: Verge Theater, 2304 N. 7th Ave.

Performances: Verge Theater Saturdays & Sundays, Oct. 27- Nov. 11, 3PM

What to expect during auditions: 

• The audition will consist of a warm­up and readings from the script in groups. Scripts are available digitally, and the director strongly advises those wishing to audition to read the script ahead of time. Also, check out Cold Reading Tips if you'd like help preparing.

● Please sign up to join others during a one-hour audition slot. More times will be made available if all slots fill. Don’t hesitate to contact the director (see below) if none of the times work or the slot you need is full. We can also accommodate walk­-ins as space allows, but a scheduled time ensures you can get in when you want.

● We may ask some people to stay longer to read with others and reduce need for callbacks.

● Callbacks, if needed, will be Sunday afternoon, 9/9 or Monday evening, 9/10.

● If you have a recent photo and/or resume, feel free to bring it. Otherwise, we'll get all the info we need at auditions.


  • *Flora: 10/yo girl, imaginative, cynical, adventurous (actor age 10­-14, but must look on the younger end of that range)

  • Tootie Tickham: Flora’s neighbor, great aunt to William Spiver (age range 40+)

  • Puppeteer/Ulysses the squirrel: puppet whose thoughts are voiced by puppeteer (any age/gender/etc.)

  • Phyllis Buckman: Flora’s mother, romance novel writer (age range 30­-50)

  • George Buckman/Incandesto: Flora’s father and a superhero (age range 30­-50)

  • William Spiver: 11/yo boy, smaller than Flora, blinded by emotional trauma (range 9­-14)

  • Dr. Meescham: an elderly wise woman with stories from her youth about trolls (40+)

  • Rita the waitress: at the donut shop, may be played by Tootie (any age)

  • Ernie the cook, Donald Tickham, Mr. Klaus the cat (puppet): any age


● Begin 9/12

● Four rehearsals a week, usually 2­-3 hours each

● Rehearsals are tentatively set for Wednesdays through Sundays, but could change depending on actors' schedules

● Tech week will be every day beginning 10/21 or 10/22 through 10/27

● * Flora is in every scene and will be required to be at virtually all rehearsals. The rest of the cast will have some rehearsal nights off

● If folks are available during the day, we may have rehearsals on PIR days

Questions?: Contact director Katie Gilbertson at greenkatieg@gmail.com with questions or to request a different audition time.